Gauge Voting & Bribing
By staking LPs paired with $BUG selected by the team or by staking $BUG, users can acquire veBUG. Having veBUG earns you the right to vote on the platform’s gauges.
Gauges control the emissions to different LPs on Bug Finance. Pools that receive the most votes get a bigger proportion of $BUG emissions for that epoch.
Each epoch lasts for 7 days, after which all bribes and trading fees are distributed as a lump sum to voters. You only earn bribes & trading fees from the pools that you have voted for.
Trading fees and bribes are claimable as a lump sum after the next epoch has ended
You need to vote weekly in order to be eligible for fees and bribes
You can reset or change your vote at any time each epoch, but you can't change your vote in the last 6 hours of each epoch if you already voted.
If you forget to vote the weight of your vote remains, but you lose the bribes and trading fees
New gauges need to be manually whitelisted by the Bug Finance team. To request a custom gauge, contact us through our Website, Discord, or Twitter.
On Bug Finance, users or protocols can provide economic incentives (bribes) to help convince veBUG holders to vote for a specific pool each epoch.
Our bribe marketplace is permissionless and open to everyone, anyone can add a bribe for any pair that has a listed gauge in a few clicks. Only whitelisted tokens can be offered as bribes. Every whitelisted gauge will always have some bribes, because of our innovative exit mechanism for all LPs on the platform.
Bribes can be made at any time during the epoch, and are held in escrow for the duration of the epoch for which they’ve been offered. veBUG voters can then claim them as a lump sum once the next epoch is complete.
Last updated